Merch Ideas For Your Team, School, or Group Webstore
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Check out current webstores hereCustom Merch Webstore FAQ
You are able to include as many items as you would like, however, there are a couple reasons to limit the options:
- Limiting the options to 3-5 items will save everyone money because the products will be cheaper. Once we get over 5 items the time to build the webstore, sort the items and bag the orders increases; therefore, we have to charge a little bit more per product offering.
- We have found that when there are too many items on a webstore people get overwhelmed and do not order.
Absolutely! Many webstores will have a screen printed product line and an embroidered products line. To keep costs down, however, you want to limit the different designs since each design requires minimum orders to be met and distributing orders among several designs results in a higher price for each item.
- Decide on product(s) and Design(s)
- Complete the Webstore Build Form
- Share the link with your group.
That’s it, we’ll do the rest!
We take care of everything. We print the order forms and individually poly-bag each order, you just need to hand out the orders, unless they get shipped out, in which case, we take care of shipping individual orders.
Absolutely! Once you decide on your product line and your designs we will price everything out by quantity. At that point, you decide where you would like to price each item. When the webstore closes, we will process the orders and based on the quantity discounts and the price you set, we will send you a check for the difference minus the credit card transaction fee.
Leaving the webstore open at all times is referred to as “Fill On-Demand”, and is something we offer; however, shipping individual orders is more costly than delivering the cumulated orders in a few big boxes with individual orders poly bagged.
For this reason, most of our webstores use the “accumulate orders in a window of time” process with the time frame determined by the customer.
We also have some customers that will reopen their webstore 2 or 3 times per year.
Accumulating orders and then processing the orders allows everyone to save money by receiving a quantity discount or having their webstore act as a fund raiser as quantity discounts are met, as well as saving on shipping costs.